CSC TEC Final Exam Most Important Questions | Latest MCQs for TEC Final Exam

CSC TEC FINAL EXAM Questions & Answers

CSC TEC Final Exam Questions and Answers PDF

After Completing TEC Pre Exam 10 Assessments You Have to Pass TEC Final Exam to get TEC Certificate.

TEC Final Exam में कितने Questions आते हैं 

  • TEC के Final Exam में Total 50 Questions पूछे जाते हैं।
  • Questions हिंदी और English दोनों ही भाषा में होते हैं। 

Passing Maks in TEC Final Exam 

  • 50% marks (minimum)

CSC TEC Final Exam Important Questions and Answers
Question 1: Starting up a new venture with a new idea is called entrepreneurship.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True
Question 2: Entrepreneurship is an opportunity to create wealth

  • True
  • False

Answer: True
Question 3: Which of these is example of entrepreneurship?

  • Starting up a business based on an old idea, existing business module, and less risk.
  • Teaching in an IIT/MBBS coaching institute.
  • Starting up a business based on a new app/software, with high risk.
  • None of the above

Answer: Starting up a business based on an old idea, existing business module, and less risk.
Question 4: Which of these is an example of entrepreneurship?

  • Starting up a new type of restaurant in a city.
  • Working in a call center/BPO.
  • Teaching mathematics in a coaching center.
  • Managing and completing tasks given by the boss in a company.

Answer: Starting up a new type of restaurant in a city.
Question 5: An entrepreneur is one who involved in a FEW of these activities –managing, organizing, innovating, assuming risks etc.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True


Question 6: An entrepreneur does the following activities – managing, organizing and makes all the decisions by himself.

  • True
  •  False

Answer: True
Question 7: An entrepreneur is a person who takes less risk, avoids experimentation.
  • True
  • False
Answer: False
Question 8: A successful entrepreneur can become rich very fast.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True
Ques 9: All people who start up a business based on a new idea are always successful.
  • True
  • False
Answer: False
Question 10: 92 % of the startups are successful within the first 3 years of starting?

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

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